Company management

Maximize your marketing performance

With easy-to-adopt, easy-to-use CRM that generates transparent results

centralisez ensemble informations clients  Centralize all your customer information

A single database lists all information on your customers :

  • Accessible and operational data for your sales force and your sales, marketing, and customer service departments
  • Provides complete details on contacts, interaction history, actions pertaining to each customer, and financial information
  • Exhaustive and highly reliable database that is used and maintained by all users

gerez etroitement opportunites vente  Manage sales opportunities closely

Covalent CRM closely manages all actions on contacts and opportunity followups and notes incomplete actions in activity reports. No opportunity is lost.

structurez vos ventes  Structure your sales

Covalent CRM integrates the best sales practices. All your sales reps adopt the same best practices. The result is consistency, performance, and opportunity optimization.

evaluez en continu perdormance operations  Continually assess operational performance

Covalent CRM integrates automated management dashboards tailored to your needs. Sales projections and results, returns on investment, and strategic management information have never been so transparent and easy to obtain.